What’s Following You

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life ;”  Psalm 23:6

What beautiful things to look over your shoulder and find following you!  🙂

Lord, may the goodness and mercy that follows us leave a wide wake of lives touched by You, as we go.  And here’s a simple poem . . .


source – ibiblio.org

In order for goodness
and mercy to follow

I must first
go somewhere

walking through valleys
and beside waters

trusting my Shepherd
is leading me there.


  1. “I must first
    go somewhere”

    Isaiah 52:12 was a grand blessing for me for three & a half years, Debbie, when I was out ministering on those streets. I always knew the Lord was out in front, yet at the same time I always knew He was my rear guard.

    Different work today, but the reality is still the same. God’s best to you to and thanks.


  2. This was beautiful! I am so glad that His goodness and mercy follows me. This song is ringing in my spirit and it goes so beautifully with what you have written… I pray it blesses you as your poem blessed me. 🙂

  3. Oh Sis Deb–this is beyond wow-wonderful. I’m so getting into the scene of walking “somewhere”, led by our Good Shepherd–and looking behind me at the wake of His goodness and mercy. We are surrounded by the grace and glory of our Jesus–and invited to be part of it; touched and changed to offer His light and love, and His gift of LIFE, to others. Breathtaking and humbling. God bless you as you serve Him today–love, sis Caddo

  4. God’s goodness is peace in our hearts.

    God bless you for writing this.

  5. I like the simple thought: what a great thing to look over your shoulder and find them following you. Yeah, I like that. Thanks for a good start to my day.

  6. ~leave a wide wake of lives touched by You, as we go~ Love this Deb!

  7. “All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you obey the LORD your God.” (Deuteronomy 28:2)

    Because of the above scripture, I think of goodness and mercy overtaking me like a tsunami wave if I obey God.

    Great poem.

  8. Hi Deb; Thanks for sharing this today.. Blessings … 🙂

  9. What a great word reminding us to trust him in valleys, too! I love “a wide wake of lives touched by You”. May the poems and posts of believers be used to touch the hearts of those who do not believe, “yet”!
    Blessings ~ Wendy

  10. Once we ave placed our trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord he leads us in the paths of righteousness While goodness and mercy follow us…and of course He is both good and merciful.

    “5 You hem me in, behind and before,
    and lay your hand upon me.
    6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
    it is high; I cannot attain it.” Psalm 139:5-6 ESV

    Thank you for this beautiful post!


  11. Before me, behind me, beside me, above me, His arms around me and under me . . . and He is IN me . . . what more could I want? What more could I need? He has me covered!

    What a amazing, always abiding, always caring, always protecting God!

  12. I like that – to be followed, ‘I must first get somewhere’. So true – we need to be always, ever moving forward! Thank you Debbie!

  13. Beautiful. I am reading this before i go to bed. I will have sweet dreams.

  14. God bless you, Roger, as He still moves you and you go where He wills!

  15. Wow, Cheryl, I loved the song! Your spirit is always singing with praises for Him. He pours out of you. Thank you for that! God bless you with His forever goodness and mercy!

  16. I loved “touched and changed to offer His light and love, and His gift of LIFE to others”. Thank you sis, for doing this, for ministering to us in the way He planned for you to all along! love you and God bless you Big!

  17. That is really beautifully put, John! Thank you and God bless you! Do you write poetry?

  18. God bless you, Pastor Bill, as you see His goodness and mercy all over your days and life!

  19. Makes me think of a barge! 🙂 A blessing barge! God bless you as you bless others each day, Ben!

  20. Oh that is a tsunami wave we would all love to be hit with! 🙂 Thanks for that great analogy and verse .. .and for just being the incredible Mr. Larry and being here. God bless you and your special time away!

  21. God bless you too, Bro Pat! You definitely have the goodness and mercy thing going on. 🙂

  22. Oh I loved your ‘yet’! 🙂 There was an old song by Whiteheart I think, that sang, “even the harderst heart .. .” God bless you, wonderful Wendy, as He touches hearts through you!

  23. Amen! I enjoyed this post immensely!
    God Bless You and Aubrey!

  24. That’s perfect -blessing Barge – excellent

  25. Hmm, not really. I tried once, but I’m afraid I’m not really good at that.

  26. Oh thank you for your beautiful comment and scripture, wonderful woman of the Word! 🙂 God bless you as He leads you on, Theresa! love and prayers!

  27. I love your comments, mentor Angela! You say it so rightly . ..we are all wrapped up in Jesus! God bless you as He looks out for you today, in that amazing way only He can do!

  28. You added something important , Melody . ..to be moving forward! I think I go in circles sometimes. 🙂 God bless you as you go with Him today!

  29. You are so sweet Patricia! God bless you and cover you tonight, in a blanket of goodness and mercy!

  30. Thank you, Lady Dei, for flying in to encourage us! 🙂 God bless you and your precious ones too!

  31. One of my favorite pieces of Scripture, Debbie, and a beautiful thought. Seeking the quiet places, that’s how I know I am being LED by God. Thanks and peace, Amy

  32. God bless you, Amy, as He leads you today! love and prayers!

  33. Going in circles is okay, too – as long as they are concentric, and not just moving in the same old rut…

  34. Nice. Reminds me of where I have been, and yet to go…

  35. Elizabeth! Yay! Just so glad to “see” you and know you are doing okay! God bless you and all that you are yet to do!

  36. I am always here, somewhere 🙂

    Was at a Christian writing retreat this summer, you are always on my mind sister…wish you could join me sometime…you would love it there!

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